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SENDIASS (Special Educational Needs and Disability Information Advice and Support Service) aims to empower parents/carers, children, and young people to play an active and informed role in making decisions about their education, health, and social care needs.

Our role as an information, advice, and support service (IASS) is to help parents/carers, children, and young people build their knowledge, understanding, and confidence in SEND procedures, policies, practices, and law, and enable them to communicate their own needs, wishes, aims, and rights.

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Click here for a short video about information and Support Services:

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SENDIASS can offer information, advice and support around:

  • SEN (Special Educational Needs) Support in early years, school or college.

  • Supporting communication with educational settings, local authority, health and social care.

  • Transition between educational settings or between Children's and Adult Services.

  • Transport Application Process.

  • EHCP Application and Needs Assessment.

  • Annual Reviews of Education Health Care Plan (EHCP).

  • Advice and support for refusal to assess for an EHCP, refusal to issue an EHCP, contents of an EHCP, ceasing to maintain an EHCP and placement.

  • Suspensions, exclusions and part-time timetables.

  • Emotionally Based School Non Attendance (ESBNA).

  • Disability Discrimination.

  • Making a complaint

Ways to contact SENDIASS

Our helpline is a 24-hour voicemail service, which can be contacted on 0161 912 3150

Our email address is [email protected]

You can also contact us through the contact form on our website


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Others Sources of Support

Stronger Together Empowering Parents (STEP)

STEP is a support service within Trafford Parents Forum. They provide emotional and practical support and advice for parent/carers of children and young people with SEND in Trafford. They also have a team of trained volunteers who can act as mentors for parent carers. STEP pair mentors up according to the skills and experience they have and match them accordingly with parent carers who could benefit the most from their support.

STEP provide low-level support such as:


•          Emotional support

•          Practical support for day-to-day challenges

•          Signposting to Trafford services

•          Help navigating the Local Offer

•          Guidance for completing DLA Application

•          Support in low-level meetings in school


NOTE: STEP cannot support with issues around EHCP's.

Click here for a link to their parents forum website.

Contact (For families with disabled children)

Parents and carers can also call the free Contact helpline. It is open between the hours of 9.30am and 5pm Monday to Friday.

Helpline: 0808 808 3555

Website: www.contact.org.uk

IPSEA (Independent Provider of Special Education Advice)

IPSEA offer a call-in telephone helpline which is open every Wednesday from 9:30am -3pm and every Friday from 9.30 am to 12.30 pm. They provide legally based next step advice on any educational issue that is a result of a child or young person’s SEND.

Helpline: 0300 222 5899

Website: www.ipsea.org.uk

Further support services and sources of information can also be found on Trafford’s Local Offer pages. https://www.trafforddirectory.co.uk/kb5/trafford/fsd/localoffer.page