Flixton Primary Image

6F 2024/25 2024 - 2025

Mrs Foster

Class 6F 

Check back here to see what we have been learning.

There are some useful documents to download at the bottom of this page, including our Autumn Term newsletter. 


Library is on Friday.

Spelling test will be on a Friday.

Reading Racetrack books due in every Friday

PE is Wednesday (outdoor) and Friday (indoor).

PE Kit: Please make sure that your child has the correct PE kit in school and that it is clearly marked with the child's name. Long hair should tied up and all jewellery (including watches and fitbits) will need to be removed. Earrings should either be taken out or covered up with tape.

They will need:

- Plain white top

- Navy blue shorts

- Black pumps

An optional outdoor PE kit can be used (navy/dark coloured joggers, jumper and trainers) in addition to the basic kit of pumps, shorts and top.


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Mrs Foster - Teacher


In order to achieve the best that we possibly can, we will be following these basic rules



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