Flixton Primary Image

3H 2024/25 2024 - 2025

Mrs Hopewell


                            to Year 3 and 3H

I am really looking forward to a spending a great year with you at Flixton Primary School.


We will be working really hard on following the 4B's

A few things to remember:

    • Outdoor PE is on a Tuesday afternoon
    • Indoor is on a Friday afternoon
    • Library books will be changed on a Wednesday
    • Reading Racetrack books are due in every Friday
    • Spelling test is Thursday
    • x table test is Tuesday - The lists for revising these every week, will be on spelling and maths shed, using your edshed log in.

PE Kit: 

- Plain white top

- Navy blue shorts

- Black pumps

  • An optional outdoor PE kit can be used (navy/dark coloured joggers and jumper with trainers) in addition to the basic kit of pumps, shorts and top.



Please have a look at our newsletter in the files to find out what we will be learning this half term.



Please have a look in the files for the spellings and timestables we will be learning this half term.



We have started to teach cursive handwriting. Please look in the files for an example of how to form the letters if you would like to try at home.

Please follow these links to see out upper and lower case letter formation.





Please have a look in the files for the spellings and timestables we will be learning in Autumn Two

Files to Download

3H 2024/25: News items

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3H 2024/25: Calendar items

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