Flixton Primary Image

Nursery 2024/25 2024 - 2025

Mrs Young

Welcome to Nursery.

Mrs Brady, Mrs Young and Mrs Slattery





We have had a lovely week so far, the children have been busy as per usual. We started the week by exploring the large water area outside. Next we tasted roasted pumpkin, unfortunately it wasn't much of a hit but I was really impressed as the all gave it at least a little nibble. Next week we will be trying the potatoes that the older children grew in the school veg beds last accademic year. We have also performed our first 'Talk for writing' nursery ryhme, 'Twinkle, twinkle little star.' We use 'Talk for writing' as a way of giving the children ideas of how stories should be put together and ideas for content. We learn a story or rhyme off by heart and perform it. We then we change some of the ideas to make our own story. As the children get older the stories become more intricate and they begin to write them. In nursery we are learning to recite familiar rhymes and stories. I have added a video of the children, just scroll down the page, apologies for the adults singing! There is also a new gallery for you to have a look at. 


Our week has been chocca! We have had lots of fun, we started the week by beginning to make our Christmas cards for the PTA, these will be made into cards and you will be able to buy them to help raise funds for the school. The next day we went picking apples from the schools fruit trees. We peeled and grated them and made them into a lovely apple bread which we had for our first tasting session. The following day we made our own butter! We put some double cream into and container and then shook it for ten minutes until the butter seperated from the buttermilk. We used the butter on our toast on Thursday, it was delicious. We have also had a visit from the Lollypop Lady and a lady from SCARF (The PHSE program that we use) and her giraffe called Harold.  I have been very proud of the way that the children have behaved with our visitors, they were respectful, they listened carefully and they asked lots of questions, hooray for them! Have a look at the gallery at the bottom of the page for a variety of pictures.



There has been lots happening this week. We had a visitor on Tuesday, Mrs Marshall brought her niece and sister to meet the children, they were all very excited but they stayed calm so as not to scare the baby. The children asked lots of questions and listened carefully to the answers. We also introduced the painting area this week, the children have really enjoyed using the new easel together. We went on a Nursery walk around the school grounds, we even snuck through the juniors as quietly as mice and no-one heard or saw us! I have added an assortment of pictures to the gallery. 


We have had lots of fun; the children are adjusting well to their new environment and they are beginning to make friends and learn each other's names. We have begun to discuss the school's behavioural expectations and the children are loving getting tokens and stickers when they do they right thing. Some of the children are finding separating from their grown-ups a little tricky. This is perfectly normal and we have lots of tricks up our sleeves that will make this easier. Please trust that we will call you if they remain distressed. 

We will be having our open classroom on Tuesday 24th straight after school for approximately 30 minutes, this is an opportunity for you to come in and take a look around, the children can show you where they like to play inside and I can answer any questions you might have about the environment. Don't worry if you can't make it this time, we do them every half term. 

I have added some pictures to the gallery. Enjoy and have a nice weekend.  


Hello, well we have had a fantastic first week in school with the children. They are starting to settle in to the new routines well and are happily learning through play in all of the areas. I have put some first week photos in the gallery so please take a look with your child, it will give you a good opportunity for them to tell you what they have been doing in Nursery. A few reminders... please send in your toast money if you havent done already, this enables us to have 'Toast Thursdays' (already begun) and 'Tasting Tuesdays' which will start in the next few weeks. If possible, can you put it in a named envelope so I can keep a record. Thank you very much for paying the lunchtime fees promptly. Please make sure your child has a set of spare clothes that stay in school on their peg. Please name all water bottles and packed lunch bags. There is a Whatsapp group for the nursery, set up by one of the parents, if you are not already on it but would like to be, please let a member of staff know and we will give you the number. The group works well when I forget to give you some information! 


Toilet training- The children are at varying stages of their toilet training and we would really appreciate your help to teach them some independence- especially when it comes to wiping. I have added a link to a helpful website that teaches you to teach your child how to wipe their own bottoms.

Useful links-



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