Flixton Primary Image


Lesson: Understanding the World

We're really enjoying our Autumn topic! Thank you for filling your Autumn treasures bags, we have really enjoyed using our senses to explore the different objects.

We started by talking about the changes we see outside and how we know its Autumn. Next we painted some animals we might see in Autumn, like owls, foxes , squirrels and talked about hedgehogs hibernating. 

We looked at a pumpkin and guessed what would be inside, we carefully cut it open and looked at the seeds. We talked about the different foods you could make from pumpkins, like soup and pumpkin pie.

In our 'Funky Fingers' area we had a pumpkin, golf tees and loom bands and have been decorating the pumpkin with them to strengthen our hands.

We also did some fantastic apple printing with Isabelle's mummy who helped us make pumpkin bunting. 

We hope you enjoy looking at the pictures!