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Baking with Mrs Tatham

Lesson: Understanding the World

Today we were lucky enough to have a special visitor to do some baking with nursery! Mrs Tatham came for a visit and helped us make some biscuits.

We looked at the recipe, talked about the ingredients, how to measure them and helped mix them all together.

Some of us made gingerbread buttons and some made apple and carrot oat biscuits. We learned how to count out pieces of dough, roll the balls of mixture into equal sizes and how to press them into circles. When we did the buttons, we had to make 4 holes with a skewer so we practised our counting. 

After we made them, they had to go in the oven for 10 minutes. When they had cooled down, we were allowed to take them home. We hope you liked them, delicious!! We look forward to our next visit with Mrs Tatham!