Flixton Primary Image

: Gallery

Clay birds 2, by Mrs Young

Clay birds, by Mrs Young

Plants 2, by Mrs Young

Plants, by Mrs Young

Easter week , by Miss Bermingham

2K vehicles, by Mrs Kirke

4FE Trip to Chester 3, by Miss Freeman

4FE Trip to Chester 2, by Miss Freeman

4FE Trip to Chester, by Miss Freeman

6F Delicioso Cibo, by Mrs Foster

1B Easter egg hunt, by Mrs Bateman

2K Partner Balances, by Mrs Kirke

2JM Pesach Visit, by Mrs Johnson

Rice Krispy cakes, by Miss Bermingham

Broadbeans 2, by Mrs Young

Planting broadbeans, by Mrs Young

Marble runs 2, by Mrs Young

Marble Runs, by Mrs Young

4FE - 7 x table, by Miss Freeman